Ayurveda Tips for Healthy Kidneys

Kidneys are self-cleansing organs responsible for the toxin removal and also to eliminate waste from the blood, while increasing the production of RBC and stabilising blood pressure. To support its functioning, it requires proper diet, adequate amount of fluid content in our body, and moderate level of physical exercise. Unfortunately, our lifestyle choices and our food habits has put an enormous pressure on the functioning of kidneys.
Kidney diseases are referred to as silent killers and it largely affects the quality of life once affected. However, there are various ways to reduce the risk of developing these diseases and thereby, maintaining a healthy pair of kidneys.
Here are the top 5 ways to keep your kidneys healthy and functioning:
  1. Stay Hydrated
Ensure that you maintain a healthy fluid intake of at least 1.5 to 2 litres of water per day. Drink plenty of fluids to help the kidneys clear sodium, urea and toxins from the body, which results in a significantly lower chance of developing kidney diseases. However, excessive consumption of fluids can cause side effects to the kidney, forcing it to over-function while filtering the excess toxins.

  1. Control blood pressure and sugar levels
High blood pressure, associated with diabetes, high-cholesterol and cardio-vascular diseases are likely to cause kidney damage. Though high blood pressure is linked to chances of getting a stroke or heart attack, only a few are aware that the most common cause for it is kidney damage. Thus, it is always important to conduct regular check-ups in order to understand the kidney functioning and to prevent/reduce any further chances for kidney damage.

  1. Proper Diet

Follow a balanced and nutritious diet which consists of fibre-rich fruits and vegetables that ensure good health of the kidneys and help maintain an ideal body weight. Avoid eating processed or fast food and also reduce the intake of salt. The recommended sodium intake for a person per day is around a teaspoon which comes to 5-6 grams. Include superfoods like blueberries, apples, garlic and cabbage for healthy kidneys. Drinking Amla juice is recommended to prevent formation of kidney stones and to remove toxins.


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