
Showing posts from June, 2019

Ayurveda benefits of neem

Popularly known as the wonder tree in India, neem is an essential ingredient and medicine for enhancing your inner and outer beauty. It is good as a cleanser on your skin. In the inside, neem helps in purifying the blood and gives out healthy, beautiful and radiant skin. Neem is a fast growing tree which can be seen in India and other Neighbouring areas. For a long time it has been used for medicinal purposes. These are used in different ways. Either they are consumed or they are juiced and applied in the body for a beautiful skin or as a body tonic. Also neem barks are known as a best option to clean your teeth and make your gums strong. Here are the benfits of neem in detail: 1. Helps in detoxification Neem helps in flushing out the toxic content in your body and your blood. It purifies your blood and makes you healthy. 2. Balances the doshas Neem is known for balancing the excess Pitta and Kaphadosha in your body. It regulates the strength of the body 3. Good f

Keep your heart healthy with Ayurveda

Circulating around 2,000 Gallons of blood throughout every day, our heart has a huge role to play in a person’s healthy existence. In our busy lives, we often tend to miss out on taking care of our body’s health. Weighing less than a pound, our heart has a huge function to perform and taking good care of it absolutely necessary. It would be interesting to know that our heart has interconnected relations with one’s emotions and stress. Hence there are several ways we can take care of this powerhouse of the body. Here are some tips for maintaining a healthy heart. 1. Do physical activity Yes, staying out and doing some exercise or other physical activity is the key to a healthy heart. The idea is to give some good exercise for your heart. This always doesn’t mean that you have to hit a gym. Doing basic activities like brisk walking, jogging on a daily basis can do wonders to your heart’s health. 2. Eat healthily It is rightly said that what we eat, defines us.  So it is imp

Home remedies for Menstrual Pain

Periods are that time of the month when a female body goes through a lot of pain and weakness. There are times when women get inactive during this time. While some women take pain killers and other medicines to cope up with the pain, experts suggest that taking medicines on a regular basis is not good for your body. There are many ingredients which are natural, which can ail many of your illnesses. Here are some home remedies which Ayurveda suggest, to cure menstrual pain Ginger or black pepper tea There is nothing as soothing as a hot cup of tea. But it is better to make it healthy. Make tea using ginger and black pepper with a tinge of honey as it will help in lowering the prostaglandins in your body. It also solves your irregular period cycle problems.  Cumin seeds Cumin is known to be anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory. Hence it is very relieving when you consume a herbal tea made with cumin during periods. Sesame oil Rich content of linoleic ac

Best Ayurveda routine to unwind your body

A long day of phone calls emails, stress and what not? Yes, this is just a small example of one of that stressful day at work. Coming out from this hassle is quite challenging. Not doing anything about such a situation and taking them with you to sleep, could make it even worse. Stress and lack of relaxation will put you into diseases. This is why, Ayurveda suggests people to do a session of evening routine to unwind and relax your body and mind. Such techniques will keep your body happy. Here are some evening routines for a good health: 1.         Meditate Find some time between all your work, to sit silently and meditate. This is one of the best ways to de-stress yourself. Suitable for all body types, this calming exercise will help in balancing all the three vata doshas. Moreover, it also calms down your muscles and helps your body in rejuvenation. 2.         Good nourishment Have easy to digest food like organic vegetables and warm well cooked food. It is importan

Ayurvedic Home remedies for weight loss

Obesity is on the rise and is becoming one of the biggest problem. It is everyone’s dream to get in shape. But, getting in shape is not as easy as it sounds. There are lot of factors which makes one obese. Hence these factors must be studied carefully before finding solutions. This is one reason why many fail in their multiple attempts to reduce their weight. Taking too much of medicines can be bad for your body and can have negative effects on your body. Here are some Ayurveda home remedies to burn your fat and help you lose your weight. Their effects might differ on different body, but will not have any side effects. In fact they will make you more strong and healthy. Here are some home remedies: Lemon and Honey Drinking warm water with a mix of lemon and honey in the morning before having your breakfast can have magical effects on your body. They detox your body and will reduce your appetite. It should be consumed for at least a month for results. Pepper The p

Ayurveda home remedies for Insomnia

Having difficulty in falling asleep? You could be suffering from Insomnia. It is a common disease which is seen in both youngsters and young adults now-a-days. Sleep deprived nights followed by intense sleep in the day time is one of the symptoms of this disease. One experiences drowsiness, fatigue and lack of energy due to this condition. The worst part is that it affects you mental focus. Once affected by Insomnia, it is difficult to focus on your daily activities and commitments. Depression is another dangerous effect of Insomnia. It is believed that stress and lifestyle habits are the main causes for this condition. If not taken care in the right time, it can affect your life. Ayurveda suggests some home remedies to overcome this situation. Some of them are: Drinking warm milk It is well known that milk supports sleep. The presence of tryptophan and amino acid is efficient in converting into Serotonin which induces a kind of calming effect in the brain. Eating

Ayurveda tips to age proof your brain

Are you forgetful or absent minded? Do you often feel confused and is if you have missed out things? DO you misplace things often? If these are common to you, it is time that you pay attention to your brain and your memory power. Dhi, dhriti and smriti are the three terms in Ayurveda related to Memory. Dhi mean acquisition, DHri is processing and smriti is recalling. The process of these, function in different from one person to another. When our doshas are affected, we might end up having issues with our memory. Here are some tips to help such situation: Nourish your brain Feed your brain with food comprising of water and fat. Food like walnuts, ghee, olive oil, juicy fruits are all perfect nourishments for your brain. Also, remember that the food that you eat must be fresh. Consuming old food can be bad as your body won’t be able to metabolize it. Herbs Herbs like Gotu kola, Ashwagandha and bacopa are excellent brain boosting herbs. They deal with the fatigue

Ayurveda tips to age proof your brain

Are you forgetful or absent minded? Do you often feel confused and is if you have missed out things? DO you misplace things often? If these are common to you, it is time that you pay attention to your brain and your memory power. Dhi, dhriti and smriti are the three terms in Ayurveda related to Memory. Dhi mean acquisition, DHri is processing and smriti is recalling. The process of these, function in different from one person to another. When our doshas are affected, we might end up having issues with our memory. Here are some tips to help such situation: Nourish your brain Feed your brain with food comprising of water and fat. Food like walnuts, ghee, olive oil, juicy fruits are all perfect nourishments for your brain. Also, remember that the food that you eat must be fresh. Consuming old food can be bad as your body won’t be able to metabolize it. Herbs Herbs like Gotu kola, Ashwagandha and bacopa are excellent brain boosting herbs. They deal with the fatigue

5 effective ways to regrow your hair using Ayurveda

Hair fall is a common problem faced by today’s generation. Be it in teenagers or adulthood, hair fall is a problem which worries people in a big way. Although there are many medicines in store which claims of curing this, people are usually confused about using them due to the high chemical content which is present in these medicines. Ayurveda suggests natural ways to deal with such conditions. Some of the home remedies to get rid of hair fall and help the re growth of hair are: Bhringaraj Popularly known as the king of herbs, this magical herb promotes hair growth and helps in reverse balding. One can use this for getting rid of premature gray’s as well. Take a handful of bhringaraj leaves and mix it with some water to make a paste. Apply this mixture on your scalp and hair and leave it for half an hour. Later wash it off with a shampoo. Use it thrice a week.  You can also add other ingredients like amla, tulsi etc. Amla Amla purifies blood and is an excellent

Welcome monsoon season with Ayurveda

It is time to say goodbye to the scorching heat of summer for some time. Monsoon season has arrived and its beauty is inexplicably magnificent. Just like how we love monsoon and the chillness of it, a lot of diseases are also on the rise during this season. Immunity is said to decrease during this season and hence we become more prone to illness. Allergies, infections and indigestion problem are all very common during monsoon. So Ayurveda suggests various methods to keep these diseases way. It says that one has to be conscious of what they eat during this time. Oily food, spicy foods are all difficult to be digested, so it is better to avoid eating them. Also, one must make sure that they don’t overeat, this can create stomach problems. The main tip is to nourish your body with the right kind of food. Eat fruits like apples, mangoes and pomegranates are good for your health. Avoid salty food as they might cause high blood pressure. Brown rice, oats, etc are healthy

Welcome monsoon season with Ayurveda

It is time to say goodbye to the scorching heat of summer for some time. Monsoon season has arrived and its beauty is inexplicably magnificent. Just like how we love monsoon and the chillness of it, a lot of diseases are also on the rise during this season. Immunity is said to decrease during this season and hence we become more prone to illness. Allergies, infections and indigestion problem are all very common during monsoon. So Ayurveda suggests various methods to keep these diseases way. It says that one has to be conscious of what they eat during this time. Oily food, spicy foods are all difficult to be digested, so it is better to avoid eating them. Also, one must make sure that they don’t overeat, this can create stomach problems. The main tip is to nourish your body with the right kind of food. Eat fruits like apples, mangoes and pomegranates are good for your health. Avoid salty food as they might cause high blood pressure. Brown rice, oats, etc are healthy opti

Cure a common cold and flu with Ayurveda

In our life, we come across various diseases which occur to us frequently. Common cold and flu are diseases which can come and go at different point of time or constantly. But taking strong medicines every time you catch a cold is not good for your body. It will make you resistant to such medicines. There are always easier solutions for such problems in Ayurveda. They suggest home remedies treat such problems. Here are some Ayurveda tips to cure your common cold and flu. 1. Home remedy for cold Prepare an ayurvedic tea with the ingredients which are easily available at home. Ginger, hibiscus, and cinnamon have a wonderful role in curing a cold. Take one tablespoon of the roots of fresh ginger, one tablespoon of dried hibiscus flowers and two cinnamons, add all of them in water and let it boil. Add a tinge of orange juice or honey to make it sweet. Consuming this herbal tea can cure your cold. 2. Home remedy for sore throat Gargling is the best way to get rid of

Keep your heart healthy with Ayurveda

Circulating around 2,000 Gallons of blood throughout every day, our heart has a huge role to play in a person’s healthy existence. In our busy lives, we often tend to miss out on taking care of our body’s health. Weighing less than a pound, our heart has a huge function to perform and taking good care of it absolutely necessary. It would be interesting to know that our heart has interconnected relations with one’s emotions and stress. Hence there are several ways we can take care of this powerhouse of the body. Here are some tips for maintaining a healthy heart. 1. Do physical activity Yes, staying out and doing some exercise or other physical activity is the key to a healthy heart. The idea is to give some good exercise for your heart. This always doesn’t mean that you have to hit a gym. Doing basic activities like brisk walking, jogging on a daily basis can do wonders to your heart’s health. 2. Eat healthily It is rightly said that what we eat, defines us.  So it is impo

How to include Ayurveda in the Workplace?

Ayurveda is an integration of body, mind, soul and the environment. It is useful in detoxifying your body, rejuvenation and healing. One can relax their mind and body using the technique of Ayurveda. But most people think that they can seek the help of Ayurveda, only when we have enough time for it, mostly during vacations. But this is wrong. Ayurveda provides various tips which can be used all the time and can be made a part of your lifestyle. Ayurveda followed in your workplace also. Here is how: 1.         Make correct beginnings Your next day begins from the previous night. Make each part of it right. Have well cooked, warm dinner at night to make your next day morning look bright. Do not overindulge in technology and gadgets. But take rest, unwind your mind and relax to make your next day morning a good one. 2.         Aromatherapy at office Even when you are at your workplace, Aromatherapy can be quite soothing. It can relieve you from stress and keep you ca

Ayurveda power food for wellness

Power and strength are important aspects of the human body. We spend a lot of money purchasing protein bars and protein shakes to regain our lost energy. But is it necessary? According to Ayurveda, there are many natural ingredients and food known as the ‘power food’ which can naturally bring in energy into us. These food include organic fruits, Vegetables, spices, whole grains, etc, which are rich in Chetna, meaning healing. These foods provide a shield to your body from toxins and other harmful substances. Grain- the superfood Grains are highly rich in Proteins and carbohydrates, which produces energy and supports healthy cholesterol and maintains blood glucose levels. It increases the overall immunity of our body. According to Ayurveda, Quinoa, millet, amaranth are very nutritious due to their high protein content. Heir high fiber content helps it to function as a detoxifying agent. One can prepare a power food by heating ghee in a saucepan and add one cup of grain to it