
Showing posts from July, 2019

Tips to overcome adrenal fatigue

It was probably less common to see a condition like adrenal fatigue in the ancient times. Through overworking of the two tiny little glands over the top of the kidneys and due to the imbalance in vata or pitta, or both doshas, such a condition can occur. A natural approach can help see results immediately to balance the adrenals and here are a few: Balance vata and pitta Taking immediate fixes like coffee, tea, chocolate or sugar, how much ever pure or organic it may be, would only make drain you more. The only true ultimate re-energizer to get you out of tiredness is rest. cut out the screen time you spend on social media, texting and reading articles on electronic devices. These devices are big time and sneakiest prana or energy suckers which leaves you drained, over-taxed and over-works agni. Practice yoga nidra, which is a type of meditation done by lying down in savasana to help calm down and re-direct scattered prana. Abhyanga Give yourself a good session of Ay

Cooling down your pitta in 60 seconds

Do you face issues when your vata and pitta doshas are high? With the fast paced life, stress and rush, you feel that your nervous system is getting shattered and agni or the digestive fire is beginning to combust. That is when you are completely out of balance and need some care and attention to regain stability. Can placing cucumber slices on specific marma or energy points on the body prove to be beneficial? Put sliced cucumber on ankles, eyes and wrists notice a drop in the body temperature – you will experience an instant cooling effect. Your mind and emotional body goes back to normal and as a result you would feel soothed and calm. This is a great technique that is simple yet effective to relax and cool down in a pinch. The next time you feel lashing out or if the inner fire is rising within you building frustration or anger, follow this easy tip: Cut 6 slices of a chilled cucumber. Relax and lie down comfortably. Place two slice of cucumber on your gulp

2 Yoga Poses for Lower Back Pain

Of the myriad of benefits from practicing yoga consistently, the relief you get for your lower back pain is incredible. Setting aside some time every day for practicing the following yoga postures will prevent and alleviate lower back pain. Also, it boosts your ability to succeed in life. Marjaryasana-Bitiliasana The cat-cow pose or Marjaryasana-Bitilasana is a basic flexion and extension exercise that will reduce your lower back pain. Begin on your knees and hands and exhale as you go down onto the floor. Flex your spine towards the ceiling and inhale as you reverse the direction, bending back. It should be a gentle movement. This pose can also be done by sitting. Move on to the edge of a chair, place your hands on your knees. Tilt the pelvis forward and backward. Repeat this practice for 10 times.  Plank pose Plank pose is considered to be a strengthening posture that gives all the support to your abdominal and back muscles. Start on your knees and hands a

Doing a daily rejuvenation in less than 2 minutes

Ayurveda gives us guidelines and practices for leading a unique living style which makes you healthy and tranquil. We often get affected by stress, fear, anxiety and depression and would feel disconnected from everything else. Gratitude should be a major part of your daily rejuvenation practice and learn to appreciate the small and large things in your life.  Take two minutes every day and write down all that you can think of and feel grateful for. Have a book just for this purpose. Jot down those things you feel grateful for and make sure that you tap into the feeling of gratitude while in the process. This should not feel like a process, but moreover it should come from you without force. The more time you think of it and cultivate this feeling in your life, you would gradually heal faster and will recognize the true purpose and meaning of life.  Feeling gratitude helps in building ojas and it is linked to our immune system. It also strengthens the life force or prana and help

Ayurvedic Herbs for Rejuvenation

Ayurveda is the most preferred system for staying healthy and fit due to its ability to improve the quality and quantity of human life. Rasayana or the rejuvenation branch of treatment in Ayurveda promotes longevity. With the help of rigid diets, herbs and supplements to be taken, stress management techniques, yoga and other forms of exercises, one can boost longevity through Ayurveda.  The effects of rasayan therapy includes improved intellect and memory, results in longevity, optimum nourishment to all tissues, promote immunity and general health, improve skin radiance, strengthen sense organs and also improves vitality and virility. Consume these rasayana herbs for all seven tissues or dhatus that is given by Ayurveda:  Haritaki This herb works on vata, pitta and kapha doshas and has five out of all the six tastes, except salty. It purifies and cleanses intestines, beneficial for diminished vision and neuro-muscular weakness, promotes abdominal comfort and protects agains

5 Ways to Make Your Bedroom a Sanctuary for Sleep

Quantity and quality of your sleep determines the mood, organ restoration, hormones and energy levels. Creating an environment that promotes sound sleep will help in restoring and rejuvenating physically, emotionally and mentally. Follow these easy and effective tips and tricks which are inspired by the holistic practices of Yoga and Ayurveda to achieve the same: Unplug and remove access from television and gadgets before sleeping as it can create a sort of mental indigestion in your sleeping pattern. Drinking Golden Milk, which is a preparation of ½ teaspoon of turmeric and ginger powder, a pinch of cardamom, nutmeg and cinnamon powder, and 8 ounces of organic milk of your choice, will help in easing stress and promoting sleep.  Dab a few drops of eucalyptus, sweet orange or lemongrass essential oil on your hands and rub together. Take three deep breaths and this will help in awakening and enlivening your senses to start a day feeling bright and clear. Use a wei

Use of Garam Masala in your daily diet

An aromatic and flavorful spice, Garam Masala is a commonly used spice in Indian dishes. This spice adds taste to the dish and delivers a digestive kick to boost agni. Use garam masala in your daily diet with the help of the below mentioned recipe for preparing vata friendly popcorn: Vata friendly popcorn Popcorn is considered to be a vata aggravating food but with a few Ayurvedic tricks, it can be enjoyed without disturbing vata.  Ingredients: ¼ cup whole popcorn kernels 1 tablespoon ghee ½ teaspoon garam masala Pinch of mineral salt Melt ghee in a pot and add garam masala and popcorn kernels to it. Cover the pot and gently shake the pan so that the contents in it gently coat over each other. On a medium flame let it pop and gently shake the pot every 15 seconds to prevent the kernels from burning. Once you hear the popping, turn off the heat and add salt or a bit of ghee if required.

Aloe Vera - its uses and benefits

Gone are the days when aloe vera was just a part of your home decor, placed in a corner as a potted plant. It has gained itself the name of a super medicinal value plant due to its healing and therapeutic properties for your skin, hair and health.  This plant is easy to grow at home with little or no efforts involved. From treating burns, inflammation, infections, indigestion, swelling and so on, the multiplicity of benefits offered by aloe vera makes it the most preferred one among many.  Benefits of using aloe vera: 1. The latex content in aloe vera contains aloin which helps in bowel regularity when consumed. 2. The topical application of aloe vera helps in soothing and healing skin problems like acne, eczema, rashes, wounds, sunburn, etc. 3. Consuming aloe vera in its recommend form helps in relieving from heart burn, as it controls the major cause for heart burns- acid reflex. 4. Research suggests that having aloe vera will help lower blood sugar levels and blood chole

Long-Term Incentive Plan

A reward system which is designed for the purpose of improving an employee's long-term performance with the help of incentives or rewards that may not be connected to the company's share price is called as a long-term incentive plan or LTIP. To get this incentive an employee, usually an executive, must fulfill various requirements/conditions in order to prove his contributions in increasing the company's shareholder value.  LTIP, though it is focused on employees, it is usually a tool for the company itself aiming for a long-term growth. When the company's LTIP and objectives for growth plan matches, the employees would have a clear picture on the performance factors and areas to focus so the company grows and the employee earns personal compensation too. Also, this plan helps in retaining the top talent in a highly competitive work environment. Types of LTIP include the 401(k) retirement plan, sabbaticals, vacation increases, cash and stock options.  LTIPs help

Breathing Exercises for Stress Relief

We have all experienced stress during any point of time in our life. During that moment our breath is short, body feels still, mind starts racing and you feel all over the place. It is almost impossible to not feel stress but it can be recognized earlier and certain tricks or tools can be adopted to cope with that situation. In Ayurveda, stress is connected to one or more dosha being out of balance. One practice to recognize your stress buzz and to manage the condition is by doing pranayama. It is an intentional practice where an individual restrains and expands breath. There are various forms of pranayama or otherwise known as breathing exercises and each differ in its own way having multiple benefits that support physically, mentally and emotionally. For an imbalance related to vata dosha caused by stress, anxiety or nervous energy, nadi shodhana or alternate nostril breathing is helpful. It involves inhaling through one nostril, retaining the breath for a few seconds and exha

Post-Workout Smoothie Recipe

Exercising increases our heart rate, blood pressure and respiration. According to Ayurveda, during this process our body assigns lower priority to digestion system and hence it is vital to avoid having food soon after workout. It is not only important to avoid eating immediately after workout but also to choose food that does not hamper the digestive fire. This is when some traditional smoothie ingredients come into the picture.  Once your body has settled down from the workout rush you can go ahead to have your post-workout fuel. To make a healthy and easy-on-the-stomach smoothie recipe, follow the below listed recipe: Ingredients: 8 ounces homemade almond milk 4 ounces coconut water 1 teaspoon honey ¼ teaspoon ginger powder 1 teaspoon sesame seeds (this preparation requires a day ahead’s work) Prepare almond milk by adding 1 cup of almonds to some filtered water and let it soak overnight (at least 8 hours). Drain it and add 3 pitted dates, 1 teaspoon vanilla bea

Ayurvedic Smoothie – Perfect Post-Workout Drink

Drinking a smoothie after workout is a convenient way of getting a lot of nutrients all at once and also acts as an excellent workout recovery drink. Though it is a good practice to have smoothie after workouts, a few tweaks in the ingredients should be made according to the digestion process in your body. By taking that into account it not only promotes digestion but also helps the nervous system and tissue rebuilding to support your post-workout experience.  While picking ingredients for a smoothie choose foods, spices or herbs that ignite agni and supports a healthy inflammatory response and encourages circulation. You can ignite agni by avoiding frozen or icy ingredients and including ginger, lime, cilantro, fennel, cardamom or cinnamon. Reduce combining foods that are taxing on your digestive system. For example, avoid fruit, dairy or yogurt as they digest best when consumed alone. Add dates, sesame, ghee and almond milk which helps in rebuilding tissues and support immune sys

Best Ways to Use Ayurveda’s Popular Herbal Formula - Triphala

Triphala is very widely used among people due to its healing properties. Considered to be a staple in traditional Ayurvedic medicine, Triphala is a herbal concoction consisting of three medicinal elements – amla or amalaki, haritaki and bibhitaki. From stomach ailments to dental cavities, it is used for multi-purpose treatments, to promote longevity and overall health. It can be taken as a tea to maintain a healthy digestive system but here are some of the best ways to use the powdered version of Triphala to unlock its powerful benefits: Use triphala powder as a hair rinse for people with dry or damaged hair by boiling 4 tablespoons of the powder in 1 quart of water. Add 2 tablespoons of sesame oil if your hair is dry and frizzy. Let the mixture boil for 10 minutes and allow it to cool. Lean over a sink and slowly pour the wash over your hair and massaging in between. Wait for 30 minutes and wash it off using normal water. Repeat this weekly for thick and healthy hair. Make

Best Ways to Use Ayurveda’s Popular Herbal Formula - Triphala

Triphala is very widely used among people due to its healing properties. Considered to be a staple in traditional Ayurvedic medicine, Triphala is a herbal concoction consisting of three medicinal elements – amla or amalaki, haritaki and bibhitaki. From stomach ailments to dental cavities, it is used for multi-purpose treatments, to promote longevity and overall health. It can be taken as a tea to maintain a healthy digestive system but here are some of the best ways to use the powdered version of Triphala to unlock its powerful benefits: Use triphala powder as a hair rinse for people with dry or damaged hair by boiling 4 tablespoons of the powder in 1 quart of water. Add 2 tablespoons of sesame oil if your hair is dry and frizzy. Let the mixture boil for 10 minutes and allow it to cool. Lean over a sink and slowly pour the wash over your hair and massaging in between. Wait for 30 minutes and wash it off using normal water. Repeat this weekly for thick and healthy hair.

Neem for Healthy Skin

It is monsoon season, a time when our skin is prone to more damage due to the change in weather conditions and imbalance in doshas. To tackle this and promote healthy skin, neem is one of the most effective Ayurvedic herbs you can rely on. It can be taken internally as its bitter taste is known to cool and pacify pitta dosha and kapha dosha in your body. It can be applied topically as it soothes and lubricates the skin and hair to keep excess pitta causing issues like blemishes, acne or break outs. Mix neem leaf powder with some water until it forms a paste-like consistency. Apply it on affected area of the skin and let it dry for 20 minutes or till the paste starts to harden. Rinse it off and pat dry your skin. Neem helps in achieving soft, clear and radiant skin. Indulge in abhyanga daily and massage your skin thoroughly with neem oil. Make a paste of powdered neem, brahmi and turmeric, all in small amounts and add enough water, yogurt or milk. Apply on your face

Ghee - an essential part of your skin care routine

When thinking about ghee we are always reminded about a spoonful of golden liquid that melts gently when you drizzle over some delicious food items. Ghee is considered to be healthy and a significant part of Ayurvedic recipes. It has been widely recommended by Ayurveda for all due to the various health benefits it has got to offer. But ever thought of its benefits on skin care when applied topically? Take a look at how ghee can be utilised properly for effective skin care: 1. Ghee can be swapped for over-the-counter lip balms because it's natural, chemical free, delicious and gives luscious lips. 2. For your dry elbows, hands, cuticles and knees, apply ghee to make it extra hydrated. 3. Rub a little bit of ghee on the heels and leg before sleep and slip on socks. Doing this keeps your legs and heels hydrated and soft. 4. Mix some ghee with a few drops of tea tree and calendula extracts and apply on your legs to keep it healthy and protected. 5. Mix one tablespoon of


Generalized Anxiety Disorder/ Uneasiness Disorder is your body’s natural response to stress. It’s a feeling of fear or apprehension about what is going to come . But if your feelings of anxiety are extreme it means you are dealing with anxiety disorder.     Nervousness issue can keep going for a half year or progressively and can influence ordinary exercises, work execution and connections. Patients with nervousness issue stress too much over their wellbeing, cash and profession in addition to other things. Some regular side effects of uneasiness issue are eagerness, weakness, fractiousness, solid throbs, a sleeping disorder/rest issue, stomach upsets, tipsiness, touchiness and poor focus . Anxiety Disorder Symptoms Excessive worry Sleeping disorders Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Stage fright Feeling self-conscious Panic attack – a sudden feeling of helplessness Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Emotional symptoms of anxiety disorders Trouble focu