Ayurveda is one of the most trusted and age-old alternative medicine, thus, one can undoubtedly find the desired relief with its simple and side-effect free treatment ways. Ayurvedic treatments adopt a holistic approach to human health, and its interventions reduce the scope of any possible side effects within the patient’s body.
The science of Ayurveda does not consider vertigo as a chronic disease but a result of an underlying condition, such as the disorder of the nervous system. Referred to as ‘Brahma’ in Ayurveda, the vitiated Pitta causes the spinning sensation. Following an Ayurvedic approach can help in balancing the Pitta efficiently.
The most common symptom of vertigo is the sensation of imbalance or spinning, Even though one is standing still. Vomiting and the feeling of nausea are other symptoms associated with this condition. Sometimes, one may also experience mild headaches and ringing sensation inside the ear. These are some of the best manifestations of vertigo. Several causes for vertigo that include disrupted and troubled digestion, the presence of ear disease that occurs due to the fluid imbalances inside the ear, disorders in the nervous system, eyesight impairment, presence of severe diseases like epilepsy, and brain tumor. Lack of sleep, occasional migraine attacks, and utter fatigue can also be responsible for vertigo.

  • Steep 1 teaspoon each of dried  amla (Indian goose berry) powder and coriander seeds in water overnight. The next morning, strain, add sugar and drink. Repeat over the next few days.
  • Mix ½ teaspoon each of finely powdered cardamom and cinnamon in warm sesame oil (2 spoonfuls) and apply on the crown of the head.
  • Mix 1 teaspoon each of ginger juice and honey. Have this once or twice a day, after food for one month. This also improves digestion and metabolism.
  • Warm coconut oil drops into the ears


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